Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My progress with Marketing my book...

 I love my wife Denise (40 years next month!)! After the Kirkus review she agreed to help me do the marketing for my book so I give her my to-do list and forwarded her a dozen articles to read. She's smart and lazy (the best combo) so she said 'shit on all that!' and decided to short-circuit the process--after work today she's going by the library to research getting a literary agent who will do all that promotion stuff so I can write and she can spend. If I don't tell her all the reasons that won't work she'll probably find a way to do it! Anyway I have to keep on marketing until then so... BUY MY BOOK DAMN IT! THE PAPERBACK IS ON SALE SO DO IT RIGHT NOW! I'LL EVEN GIVE YOU THE FRIGGIN LINK! (how am I doing?)

My next blog will be something more interesting: How I extended current cosmology and the standard model of quantum physics to create the Spiral Slayer universe. You don't have to be a science nerd to understand my book, however the a part of the plot is mostly based in these areas (if I say the universe is ending you don't need to know what particle is decaying to understand, right?).


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