In the Spiral Slayer universe the super speck is the smallest,
most elementary particle.
The super speck or speck particle has some amazing
It vibrates and has three trillion different
It is a reflective particle which means that if
surrounded by a single state[1]
(the complete death of a universe) it reflects itself ten times and all
reflections reflect ten times continuing up to (VV)V times
where V are the number of vibrations (three trillion).
The super speck’s reflective burst (A.K.A. the
Big Bang) begins by only expanding space time (i.e. in the beginning reflections
only differ in directional alignment). Then, over the course of the burst, begin
switching to the expansion of timelines (i.e. reflections also differ in phase
alignment). After about four billion years the changeover is complete and all
reflections expand the number of timelines. This soon fills up quantum space becoming
the cause of the universe’s expansion. As more space is created this creates
more timelines. This self-feeding circle causes accelerating expansion.
Within its three trillion vibrations is encoded
all the information needed to create a universe.
When an intelligent species reaches the Rho
level of development, Speculators, who translate the speck’s vibrations, begin
to replace scientists and the scientific method.
When an intelligent species has translated all
of the speck’s vibrations, they will ‘know’ everything that is knowable[2]
and be at the Phi level of development.
When an intelligent species comes to understand all
of the knowledge from the speck, they will ‘know and understand’ everything knowable
and be at the uppermost level of development: the Omega Level.
Universes die when their expansion has stretched
out the speck particles so much that their vibrations vanish and speck
reflections die until only one speck particle is left.
When only one speck particle is left (this is
always the original and only real speck particle) the dynamics of the cosmos
changes and the remaining speck becomes the only thing that exists which means
it contains all the energy that exists and is surrounded by a single state.
This triggers the reflection burst that creates the next universe.
Speck particles that are aligned join to form
speck strings or sStrings and these create space time.
Aligned sStrings become tangled creating
permanent knots (the quirks and gluons that create matter) and temporary knots
(virtual quirks and gluons).
The sStrings (and therefore sString knots) can
only interact with other sStrings whose speck particles are aligned creating
the macro here and now space time we know.
(The following discussion is
greatly simplified in some areas)
There are two types of speck
alignment. To interact, both must be aligned. The speck particle can be
pictured as a vibrating line of energy. Vibrations differ in frequency,
distance along the string, distance from line when straight, direction(s) in 3D
space, speed, curve(s) and shape. There is directional alignment (direction of
the string in 3D space) and there is phase alignment, which is alignment of the
vibration cycle.
Directional alignment:
Below the level (size) of quarks
and gluons, macro space time as we know it falls apart. When a universe is
born, reflections of the speck particle explode outward tumbling this way and
that. As this happens, aligned specks bond into sStrings. Only specks (and sStrings
they form) that are ‘aligned’ can interact with each other and they do this no
matter where they are physically located in the realm of the sStrings (A.K.A.
foam). In our macro view of space time this inability to interact appears as
space time—a distance in space time between objects.
If your finger pushes an object,
the sStrings in your finger and the object are aligned but maybe anywhere in
the realm of sStrings. Likewise, an sString in a star does not interact with an
sString in your finger because they are out of alignment even though in the
realm of the sStrings they may be right next to each other and again, this
alignment difference and inability to interact translate to distance and time
in our macro view.
This of course means that only
aligned sStrings can interact to form real or virtual quarks or gluons but to
tangle and knot together they must also be next to each other in the sString
Wormholes are possible within the
realm of the sString because of this difference between our macro space time
and the virtual physical layout within the sString’s realm. Wormholes are
pipe-like structures formed by sStrings that can change the alignment of
sStrings passing through them therefore changing their physical location in our
macro space time.
Phase alignment:
The second type of alignment is
phase or rhythm alignment meaning the alignment of the vibrations. The
alignment of the sStrings (ergo the speck particles that form them) are what
creates the macro space time probability timelines. As you look towards a
distant star, the space time perceived between you and the star is a gradual
change of the speck particle’s directional alignment. You see the star as it
was in the past when its speck particles were the same alignment as yours and
everything you see around you, you see in the macro space time past. This is
all directional alignment.
However, the change of phase alignment
determines and separates the timelines. This is the probability wave observed
in the two slit experiment where light passing through the two slits (in the
two slit experiment) forms a wave pattern. Different realities are timelines
whose speck particle’s phase alignment has changed. The inability to interact
in this case does not translate to time space or distance. It does not
translate at the macro at all. Even though we can only see and interact with
the timeline we are on, it is there and takes up time and space in the quantum
realm. Our universe ran out of quantum room about four billion years ago and at
this point the ever accelerating expansion of the universe began as more and
more alternate timelines came into being and needed more quantum room.
In the next post we will switch
from the quantum realm to the cosmic realm and discuss where the edge of the
universe is and how it is possible to travel across the universe.
A single state means that everywhere you look is the same. Examples of this are
a singularity or an absolute vacuum (where there are not virtual particles are
anything else). A single state cannot exist within a universe.
Anything within the universe is knowable. Anything beyond the realm of the
universe is unknowable.